Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rebates, do we really need them?

I have heard many people argue that rebates for energy technology products are a must to get people to purchase them. I can make the argument , that if you really need the fix (demand) a manufacturer will make that product and sell it to you at a fair price (supply).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Liar Liar! It might just be ok.

Is honesty  the best policy? When is a small lie worth telling, and who is the judge of what qualifies as a small lie? Give me an example of a small lie that you think is ok.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Welcome to the "Craig Bushon Show" Blog

We would like to thank you for being a valuable part of our blog.

OK! Now down to business.

Would you work harder if you where paid more?
Do people on salary work harder than hourly people?
Should salary be legal? Should you be able to work someone 50-60 hours a week only because they are on salary?

Remember.....Top rated comments will be read live on the "Craig Bushon Show"