Friday, August 31, 2012

Animal Rights

Liberal Lie:

“Animals should have the same rights as humans.”

Conservative Comebacks:

Cocky Comeback: “Then they can take themselves to the Vet!”

Cockier Comeback: “How do you bestow rights on an amoeba?” 

Candid Comeback: “Animals should be treated in a humane manner as if they possessed moral rights; however, it’s impossible for animals to have legal rights, since they have no ability to recognize these rights or to exercise them.”

Comeback Facts:
·        Legal rights cannot apply to animals the way they apply to humans because animals are incapable of fulfilling the moral obligations that come with those rights.
·        The term “Animal Rights” is a non sequitur. Even if animals were to acquire rights, they would always be subjective rights, that is, subject to those who presume to speak for them.

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