Thursday, October 18, 2012


Liberal Lie:

“The public education system needs more funding.”

Conservative Comebacks:

Cocky Comeback: “…Like a drowning man needs a glass of water!” 

Candid Comeback: “At the present rate of increased funding, our government sponsored education will be costing our city and state governments a total of more than a trillion dollars a year by the year 2015.” 

Considerate Comeback: “It’s long past time to stop the escalating cost of education and the soaring cost of throwing money at it in order to fix it. An entire overhaul of our education system is in order: an overhaul that puts in place smarter and more economical means to educate our children.”

Comeback Facts:
·        The1999/2000 school year cost 382 billion dollars, an average of $7000 per student. (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics)
·        The 2004/2005 school year cost 745 billion dollars, an average of $8700 per student. (NCES)

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