Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rising fuel cost! There is no mystery about this! When America has a President that doesn't pressure the cartel and has NO energy plan, because it plays into his $6 per gallon plan. This is what we get folks! This is no joke, the Trojan Horse is now open and we better be ready for the battle ahead. 

Please don't be so naive, the President of the United States has the responsibility to have a STRONG energy policy that opens up our Federal land, OUR land, the land of the American Citizen not special interest like Sierra Club or whatever made up paper champion WE THE PEOPLE are suppose to be afraid of. Our cost per gallon in America should be $1.25 per gallon, are you kidding me $3.75 per gallon and rising! Please research how much American citizen owned land that we are not allowed to extract OUR energy from, the energy YOU and I and all the rest of Americans OWN, NOT the Federal Government.

Below the ground, the federal government (American Citizens) own the rights to mineral and energy leases, from which they can receive royalties, rents, and bonus payment. estimates show those assets are worth $128 trillion. That's around eight times the national debt.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

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